Command Line
PFrank can be called from the Windows command line. In command line mode, you can run custom scans
based on the saved custom lists from either the last current GUI session or from saved configuration files.
The following options are available:
-h or -? . Display usage information for the command line interface.
-k. Use the saved configurations from the last GUI session to perform a
custom scan and rename.
-o <log filename>. Save Details of the command line renaming including the names of all renamed files to the
specified log file. This log file will also have the same summary information that you get when using the GUI.
If no path is specified, the log file is created in
the folder in which PFrank is executing.
This option must be specified with -k or -L.
-L <configuration filename>. Preload the specified PFrank Config File (.pfr)
and perform a custom scan and
rename. .pfr files are created by invoking the Load command on the main window
GUI of PFrank.
-v . Verbose mode. Output details of a custom scan to the Windows command line.
Do not use this mode if running the command line mode as part of a periodic task.
This option must be specified with -k or -L.
The renaming sequences/commands used must be preconfigured using the GUI. When -k or -L are
specified a custom scan will run; any configurations last used by the GUI will remain unchanged.
A folder argument can be specified with -k or -L resulting in the command using the specified folder
as the current folder. The current configuration last used by the GUI will remain unchanged.
If PFrank is called with only a foldername argument, then the PFrank GUI will start with the current folder set to the foldername argument.
This is the same way that PFrank is called when you right click on a windows folder and select PFrank.
C:\Program Files\PFrank\PFrank.exe -k can be used to do a
custom scan and rename based on the most recent configuration of PFrank.
C:\Program Files\PFrank\PFrank.exe -k C:\Temp will do the same as the above but apply the
scan and rename to items in the C:\Temp folder.
"C:\Program Files\PFrank\PFrank.exe" -L "C:\Documents and Settings\peter\Desktop\mynewconfig.pfr" will
preload the configuration from the mynewconfig.pfr file and then perform the custom scan and rename.
"C:\Program Files\PFrank\PFrank.exe" "C:\Documents and Settings\peter\Desktop"' will start the PFrank gui
and set the current
folder to the user's Desktop. Note that PFrank.exe must be specified with a full path in order for this to work.
"C:\Program Files\PFrank\PFrank.exe" "C:\Documents and Settings\peter\Desktop" will start the PFrank gui
and set the current
folder to the user's Desktop. Note that PFrank.exe must be specified with a full path in order for this to work.